Original drawings
“I first saw Cristina’s work some months ago… and was taken by the soft, almost reassuring colours. I loved the ‘message’ in her work, so suggested that she did one for me. When it arrived I was very pleasantly surprised by the content…. very spiritual, in fact it took me on a spiritual journey back into my world and experiences, my best and happiest… the close up experience I had in San Francisco, with a hummingbird, I am a passionate bird lover…. the picture perfectly replicated the scene from that experience, the hearts coming from the tail feathers, depicting how I was so excited and loved seeing it. Then I move on to La Rochelle in France, and the experience of sailing into the marina and the millions of ladybirds…. as depicted in my beautiful painting, which has a message of love throughout… a very clever and very spiritual look back for me…. each one painted for the individual. 💛 ” Sandy Ingham, Medium and Psychic Artist
Book “Maia and the magic necklace”
“Reading Cristina Michels’ book has been a beautiful revelation for me. “Maia and the magic necklace” is a story that is striking in the poetry, light and care that each page testifies to. As is often the case with the classics of children’s literature, from The Little Prince to Lewis Caroll’s Alice’s Adventures, Cristina’s work offers two readings, two levels of analysis that impress, educate and move readers of all ages. The book’s protagonist and her adventures, in the world of dreams and wishes, touch the hearts of those who still have faith in the magic of life.” Charlotte
“Good evening Cristina, I am Anastasja, a little girl who bought your book at the fair yesterday. I am writing to tell you that I just finished reading it and I loved it! I have never read such a book in my life. I loved the part about the aura around everyone. I will take it to school tomorrow so I can read it in class. Thank you so much.” Anastasja 🌸
“I first met Cristina at the Christmas market in Bellinzona. Her stand stood out among the others; her creations with coloured pencils immediately caught my gaze. Her special way of colouring and her choice of colours touched my heart. I came closer, and Cristina greeted me with a warm welcome, eager to tell her story and introduce me to her art. I took home some things, including the book ‘Maia and the Magic Necklace’, which I wanted to read to my primary school pupils. The children, as I imagined, were fascinated by the bright colours, the meaningful story and the drawings, that is very reminiscent of their way of drawing. The book was also often consulted afterwards, especially by the girls.
I then came up with the idea of carrying out a small itinerary on drawing and colouring with shades, typical of Cristina. All the children were won over by Cristina’s world, even the most insecure in the art of drawing. Each of them joyfully brought out their own world in colour. With this message I also want to reveal what has remained of Cristina. Some mothers have confided that their children now enjoy drawing and colouring much more.
Cristina! You did so well! You gave them a part of you, the seed that made their limitless creativity and love of drawing blossom or expand. For this I say thank you.” A happy teacher 😃
Calendars and greeting cards
This calendar has a very special place in our home. We enjoy its beautiful energy through the colorful pictures and inspiring messages. Cristina’s artwork lifts your spirit. Alodie & Robert